Zhan, I probably wouldn’t have noticed for a few more days if you hadn’t mentioned it.
I guess that’s what I get for hiding off-line for a couple of weeks. Grats, Zhaneel. 🙂 I’m actually a little surprised you didn’t take over the number 2 spot sooner. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why I’ve had so many hits since Gossip added the tracking system.
There are a couple of entries I’ve been kicking around in my head. They’re a little different from my normal ramblings, or the “link” blogs (an entry where I just post a few links I found that I want to remember) I normaly post. A little more personal, and probably a more interesting read. I’m still not entirely sure I want to post them, and I don’t know why that is. I think I might try out the new privacy feature. I’ll post one or two, make the appropriate edits, and then open them up (or re-post them) to the public.
I didn’t mean to. I was quite happy with 3rd. It meant I was behind the person who designed the theme that I use and the admin of the site. What more can a simple user ask for?