Tapestry – Your Favourite Comics by RSS

Found this via a link off a link off of Mark Pilgrim’s b-links (the rss version anyway) Since I closed the referring tab before I got to the page, I don’t remeber exactly where it came from. It was part of the discussion about silent data loss, IIRC.

[Quote] Tapestry is a series of RSS feeds for online comics. They help you keep up to date from within your favourite news aggregator, especially if you happen to miss a few days. [Quote]

2 of the 4 main comics I try to keep up with are supported, with the other 2 coming soon. There’s also quite a few others I’m planning to add to my list.

Check it out

Guild Forum / Portal Software

I’ve been asked / volunteered to help set up and run a website for the Super Group I’ve joined in City of Heroes. (Chutta is currently running the group, if anyone cares.)

Anyway – I’m willing, and its not like I don’t have any experience with community sites. But it has been a while. Does anyone have any suggesstions for software? I’m imagining something similar to PHP-Nuke, but PHP-Nuke type sites tend to feel kludgy to me, as a user. (The notable exception was PlanetJumpgate.) I’ve got a valid vBulletin licence at my disposal, but somehow that seems over-kill for what we’re planning.

Basically what I’m going for is a basic guild news and information site with messageboards and possibly a group calander for scheduling events.

Any thoughts/sugestions for good (hopefully free) CMS software packages to look at?


Also – if anyone is playing CoH and is looking to join a Super Group, let me know.

Edited on May 27th 2004, 05:58 by Hooloovoo

Edited on May 27th 2004, 18:34 by Hooloovoo

Mozilla Firebird 0.6

That’s what I get for spending a few days off-line, Mozilla Firebird 0.6 was released last Saturday.

I’ve completed the download, and I’ll be running the installer just as soon as I’m done writing this, and I finish reading the other tabs I’ve got open.

wonders if it’s about time to check out thunderbird as well…

I think I’ll wait for at least one more build before I really take a look at that.