The Gaskell’s Masquerade Ball is this weekend. Jennifer and I are planning to go. It should be a lot of fun. Is anyone else *cough* (fanboy and zhaneel) *cough* from the SF Bay Area planning to attend?
I’ve updated my picture to show off the mask I’ll be wearing this year. In case anyone wants to look for me. 🙂
FanBoy and I are both planning on attending. We don’t know what we are wearing yet. I was hoping to be a Night Elf but I didn’t plan far enough in advance. So I may just show up in my reception dress. Which is pretty, but not a costume.
Great looking mask Hooloovoo. As for Zhaneel’s fur lined bikini – enough said 🙂
Not really wearing a costume either – just a mask.
err – with my normal “modern-day” suit. I haven’t gotten around to creating a period costume for Gaskell’s yet. One of these days…
I know I ask this every time, but are either of you planning on attending the afternoon class?
Nope. Have stuff to do and are having dinner at a friend’s place. I’ve never done the class and FanBoy stopped a while ago.
When you’ve worked Dicken’s you can teach the class. And we’ve both worked Dicken’s. 😉