Gossip, I just wanted to let you know you are my friend.
A variation of this link was sent to me by someone at work. In the spirit of sharing, I thought I’d post it here. You can personalize it by changing the first part of the url. Single names work, First/Last name combos (separated by a “.”) work. First/Middle/Last do not.
That’s pretty cool
I thoguht so…
And, of course, the guy that sent it to me wants to know if I can make one that is a “you are my enemy” or something…
Seems pretty easy to do, but definately not as cool. I don’t think I will.
While it’s a very simple concept, I like it a lot. Thanks! And, in reprise: Hool, you know what I think. 😉
I think it’s the music that does it. 🙂