Suddenly it hits me
An old friend from High School is in town this week. Several of us that still keep in touch took the opportunity to have an impromptu get-together on Saturday. (Zhaneel, that would be why we didn’t make it to Gaskell’s – that and we forgot it was this past weekend.)
It was pretty cool to see Ed again. He’s a first year teacher at a small High School in Wisconsin, and he and his wife just bought a house. (I’m not even going to talk about that. Us west-coasters were quite jealous.)
Anyway, as we were hanging out in the living room of his parent’s house playing catch-up, exchanging palm apps (geeks, each and every one), and watching the Redwings, Hurricaines (3OT Oy!) — I had an epiphany: We were all adults. Married, or engaged (‘cept one couple – but I expect that to be changing soon…) some of us with babies, or expecting. Most out of school, and in our carreers.
Well duh – of course we are all adults. Have been for several years according to US law. But, I don’t usually think of myself as an adult. Adults are those people I work with, the people I pass on the street, or my parents, or my friend’s parents. I’m just me. Not an adult – not a kid – just me.
Edited for some grammer and typographic errors.
Edited on Jun 13th 2002, 21:44 by Hooloovoo
Sad to hear it wasn’t you. Was all hoping that I’d had an offline/online encounter.
As for the whole adult thing, I know what you mean. I keep trying to figure out if I’m adult yet or not. I don’t think I am, but I’m not a kid either. And I’m getting ready to join the Real World. Ew…
Even though I’m about to be married I don’t think that qualifes me to be an adult.
I’m 32 and have been married for more than 7 years and still have trouble believing I’m an adult. Maybe our generation was somehow brought up thinking adulthood was some faraway thing, such that we find it difficult to believe we are now there. Maybe everyone feels this way, all their lives. “What do you mean, I’m old? I just got out of college. Sixteen wasn’t that long ago….”
On the generational/upbringing slant: Non-US folks, do you and/or your friends find yourselves grappling with “adult identity”, having trouble believing you have a job/home/spouse/child/etc.? Or is this more of an American-culture thing, in that we are indoctrinated by our media into “feeling like” (meaning, feeling as if we still should be)adolescents (and acting like we are, perhaps) well into our “productive adult years”?