Thanks Gossip :)

I tried out the Alanis Lyric Generator posted by Gossip. These 3 songs (using the same input) are the result… Yes, I cheated a little bit… I wanted to stick with the whole MS bashing theme. I’ve never dated Bill Gates, nor would I want to.

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Programmers, Computers, Security Flaws
Why God, Why?
Computers, Software Licenses, Microsoft
Why God, Why?

What have I done to deserve this Blue horror?
Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of Microsoft
Like a Robert Frost character, I’m wordy and alone
Why God, Why?

Bugs, Programmers, Money
Why God, Why?
Microsoft, Money, Security Flaws
Why God, Why?

What have I done to deserve this Blue disaster that is my life?
Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of Microsoft
Like a Robert Frost character, I’m wordy and alone
Why God, Why?

What have I done to deserve this Blue misery?
Surrounded on all sides with the Hell of Microsoft
Like a Robert Frost character, I’m wordy and alone
Why God, Why?

Why God, Why?
Why God, Why?
Why God, Why?
Why God, Why?

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“Will to Live”

I feel miserable
Programmers make me ill
I feel miserable
Computers tear at my foundations
I feel miserable
Security Flaws are dragging me down to the depths of misery
I want to die

Is it because of Microsoft that I feel this way?
With the Blue rays of misery pounding on my brain?
Or am I lost in tale of Robert Frost, adrift far from home
I don’t think so, I don’t think so.

Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live
Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live
Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live
I was getting better but then
Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live

I feel miserable
Software Licenses rot the flesh from my bones
I feel miserable
Bugs defeat my purpose
I feel miserable
Money are doing their best to impale my soul
I want to die

Is it because of Microsoft that I feel this way?
With the Blue rays of misery pounding on my brain?
Am I lost in tale of Robert Frost, adrift far from home
I don’t think so, I don’t think so.

Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live
Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live
Oh God, Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live
I was getting better but then
Bill Gates Broke My Will to Live

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“I Think”

I Think Programmers are really a huge problem
I Think Computers are too much on my mind
I Think Security Flaws have got a lot to do with why the world sucks
But what can you do?

Like a Blue rain, beating down on me
Like a Robert Frost line, which won’t let go of my brain
Like Bill Gates’s ass, it is in my head
Blame it on Microsoft
Blame it on Microsoft
Blame it on Microsoft

I Think Software Licenses are gonna drive us all crazy
And Bugs make me feel like a child
I Think Money will eventually be the downfall of civilization
But what can you do? I said what can you do?

Like a Blue rain, beating down on me
Like a Robert Frost line, which won’t let go of my brain
Like Bill Gates’s ass, it is in my head
Blame it on Microsoft
Blame it on Microsoft
Blame it on Microsoft

Like a Blue rain, beating down on me
Like Bill Gates’s smile, cruel and cold
Like Robert Frost’s ass, it is in my head
Blame it on Microsoft
Blame it on Microsoft
Blame it on Microsoft

Published by


Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

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