Caveat Lector, meet GLUE

I’ve begun work on making “House of Blues” and “Stormy Night” XHTML Compliant (for SuperGLUE – and becasue I should tweak them anyway.)

Last night, (while fighting with CVS,) I was thinking about creating a theme based on Caveat Lector (minus the photo on the left. (I think I have one of my own I can replace it with.)

I want to do it because I think it might be fun to try something a little different, and Dorothea says I can. =) Work on that will commence after I finish the XHTML conversion and style sheet tweaks on the 2 themes mentioned above. (No, Zhaneel, I haven’t totaly forgotten about your feedback.)

Anyway, just thought I’d blog my idea so I’m more likely to actually do it, (or so someone else can beat me to it.)

Edited on Feb 21st 2003, 01:42 by Hooloovoo

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

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