Found this via a link off a link off of Mark Pilgrim’s b-links (the rss version anyway) Since I closed the referring tab before I got to the page, I don’t remeber exactly where it came from. It was part of the discussion about silent data loss, IIRC.
[Quote] Tapestry is a series of RSS feeds for online comics. They help you keep up to date from within your favourite news aggregator, especially if you happen to miss a few days. [Quote]
2 of the 4 main comics I try to keep up with are supported, with the other 2 coming soon. There’s also quite a few others I’m planning to add to my list.
Tapestry is nice, I agree. But my list is bigger. (Yes, I know — Two Clowns Syndrome…)
Yes your list is bigger. Your’s is teh uber. I bow before your RSS L33t|\|3$$
Happy now?
Edit: what, joo ph3@r of my sUp3r-l33t backslash?
Edited on Jun 3rd 2004, 09:54 by Hooloovoo
hehe – just messing with ya