uhm – when did g-blog start serving google ads?

gossip – I have a screen shot of one of your recent blog entires with an ad from google in the sidebar. Is that intentional, or has some piece of ad serving software managed to get itself installed on my work machine?

[Spoilers] [/Spoilers]
in spoilers because it’s big. and I apologize for the poor quality of the image, I dont have a decent screen shot taker here. that was created in paint…

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

8 thoughts on “uhm – when did g-blog start serving google ads?”

  1. No, not odd. I wanted to testdrive ’em for my own blog only. Don’t worry, I’m not going to roll them out on all of G-Blog.net. This site as a whole is staying ad-free. πŸ™‚

    But I reserve the right to tinker with my own blog and its entries as I see fit. πŸ™‚

  2. Personally I wouldn’t be at all botherd if you did, would it generate enough to pay for the bandwidth though? I mean it might hurt donations.

  3. I doubt it. Besides, there haven’t been many donations as of late. So no hurting. πŸ™‚ Also it’s not like I’m paying a fortune for the server or the bandwidth.

  4. Well roll them out over the whole of G-blog and see how much they generate. Become that .net millionaire you always wanted to πŸ˜‰

  5. Just wanted to make sure you knew about it. And it looks like you do. πŸ™‚

    Perhaps you could set up an option in the control panel for people to choose whether or not they would like to serve ads… assuming of course that you decide that you want to keep the ads.

  6. No, I don’t want the ads anymore. I still plan on building G-Blog.net v2, and ads on/off is on my list of features. Along with pay accounts etc. Not sure about the nitty gritty, but I haven’t started coding yet anyways. πŸ˜‰

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