Mozilla Firebird 0.6

That’s what I get for spending a few days off-line, Mozilla Firebird 0.6 was released last Saturday.

I’ve completed the download, and I’ll be running the installer just as soon as I’m done writing this, and I finish reading the other tabs I’ve got open.

wonders if it’s about time to check out thunderbird as well…

I think I’ll wait for at least one more build before I really take a look at that.

T -60 Days and counting

I wasn’t going to post about this for a couple of weeks, but…

Is anybody interested in hiring a web developer with 4 years experience in the video game industry? There’s probably going to be a blue-haired-freaky one available to start in early July, (or possibly sooner.)

Sucky way to end the week, but at least I got some warning.

can any php/regex guru’s help me?

I need some help with a small php function problem:

I need a function that does the same thing as pathinfo() [Link] until such time as I can brow-beat someone into upgrading the version of php being used on the server a site I’m working on is going to be published to.

From the function reference found here, it seems like it should be relatively simple to solve using regular expressions. I’m going to take a crack at solving the problem myself, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask for help here as well.

Edited on Apr 1st 2003, 01:07 by Hooloovoo

Edited on Apr 2nd 2003, 17:27 by Hooloovoo

Caveat Lector, meet GLUE

I’ve begun work on making “House of Blues” and “Stormy Night” XHTML Compliant (for SuperGLUE – and becasue I should tweak them anyway.)

Last night, (while fighting with CVS,) I was thinking about creating a theme based on Caveat Lector (minus the photo on the left. (I think I have one of my own I can replace it with.)

I want to do it because I think it might be fun to try something a little different, and Dorothea says I can. =) Work on that will commence after I finish the XHTML conversion and style sheet tweaks on the 2 themes mentioned above. (No, Zhaneel, I haven’t totaly forgotten about your feedback.)

Anyway, just thought I’d blog my idea so I’m more likely to actually do it, (or so someone else can beat me to it.)

Edited on Feb 21st 2003, 01:42 by Hooloovoo

Attack of the Killer Nested Tables

I took a major step backwards in my attempts to write better structured HTML at work today. I’ve resorted to using a few nested tables in a layout that I’m currently working on. The reasons are “ehh”: time allocated to the project (almost none), possible future replacement of the navigation with flash will be easier (I think), working from a mock up done by a print designer (print != web).

I can’t help but feeling like I’m moving back towards 1999/1998 with this layout. So much code to display so little content… This layout leaves a bad taste in my mouth. (It’s either that, or the salt bagel I just ate…)
