Jun 21st 2002, 18:06 GMT

Got this: [Link] off penny arcade – thought I’d blog it before I forgot about it. Feel free to check it out, as I will when I have some more free time. 🙂

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

11 thoughts on “Jun 21st 2002, 18:06 GMT”

  1. hmm – java based too. I haven’t played much battle tech, (none at all for a few years,) but that looks like a cool little game.

    (And it won’t need a top of the line graphics card to play, either :P)

  2. Looks good. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks.

    Hey speaking of games do you play chess?

    Edited on Jun 24th 2002, 02:28 by dew1969

  3. I haven’t played chess in years. I used to play against my father when I was young, but I stopped for some reason.

    I’ve been thinking about picking it up again, but I’m so out of practice, most people could probably check-mate me in under 10 moves.

  4. Ancient game of strategy. Primarily played in the Orient. Simpler and more complex than chess, depending on what you are looking at.

  5. If anyone is interested there is a nice java online chess at play.yahoo.com. I am not good at it but I like to play. Let me know if anyone is up to playing a game.

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