Aug 2nd 2002, 06:56 GMT

It’s getting closer.

So, here is the latest installment of the GLUE theme I’m working on. The next piece I need to deal with is the side-bar. I’m going to break it up into several boxes, (as it is on my site) and I need to play with the section headers a bit. Other than that, it looks like I just have a bunch of little tweaks to make.

Edit: I pulled the screenshots down, since the theme is now part of GLUE 1.0 RC1

Also of note: I’ve given up on making IE behave with well with a table-less layout for now. I figure a certain amount of arrogance when it comes to how I think the web “should” be built is fine on my site, but these themes really need to look “right” on as many browsers as possible.

I have tried to keep the use of tables for layout to a minimum – but at least IE isn’t mangling the layout too much anymore.

Edit: it’s still a silly acronym… :p

Edited on Aug 2nd 2002, 18:00 by Hooloovoo

Edited on Aug 16th 2002, 22:26 by Hooloovoo

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

2 thoughts on “Aug 2nd 2002, 06:56 GMT”

  1. Actually, it’s “Gossip’s Log Uber Engine”.


    Theme looks damn fine!Two suggestions, tho:

    1.) The color of the admin links is making my eyes hurt when used in conjunction w/ the background color. Make it brighter, I’d say.

    2.) Acronym/abbreviation tags: try this style definition –
    ABBR, ACRONYM { border-bottom : 1px dotted #000000; cursor : help; }

    Other than that, really cool. This could become one of my favorite themes…

    Edited on Aug 2nd 2002, 12:41 by Gossip

  2. D’oh! Okay – I’ll fix my acronym. Go easy on me – I was up way past my bedtime playing with that theme.

    I haven’t even seen the admin color in use yet, probably because I’m not an admin. 😛 I’ll add it to the list of tweaks I need to make.

    And thanks for the feedback. I should have a new version ready in a couple of hours.

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