Dave Barry’s got some great links in his web log
I’d link to a few of them here, but I’m too lazy – and I need to get back to work.
Edit: Mi noe speel gud.
Edited on Apr 25th 2003, 21:49 by Hooloovoo
Dave Barry’s got some great links in his web log
I’d link to a few of them here, but I’m too lazy – and I need to get back to work.
Edit: Mi noe speel gud.
Edited on Apr 25th 2003, 21:49 by Hooloovoo
Jenny and I went with a friend of ours to see The Rock Bottom Remainders at the Fillmore last night.
(Looks like they need to buy more bandwith – here’s another site with some info.)
For those that don’t know, the Rock Bottom Remainders a band comprised (mostly) of notable authors like Amy Tan, Stephen King, Dave Barry and others. Jenny is a big Dave Barry fan, which is the main reason we went. The exact group composition varies from show to show. (For example: Stephen King did not perform last night.)
Barry claims that they suck, and has no idea why anyone would actually want to hear him and his literary cohorts play, but they really weren’t that bad. (Due, in large part, to Roger McGuinn, who is along for the ride for this tour, and “actually plays IN TUNE“)
Jenny got an autographed copy of “Tricky Business“, while I purchased a RBR hat and CD.
A couple of my favorite highlights from the show:
Last night was fun, I’m glad we went.
Edit: At least I’m consistent in my inability to spell “Barry” correctly
Edited on Apr 25th 2003, 21:51 by Hooloovoo