I’m Now a "Tape Monkey"

I start a new job tomorrow morning.

Message Ends.

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

12 thoughts on “I’m Now a "Tape Monkey"”

  1. Hool’s first day at work:

    “Fetch me some duct, er I mean electrical, no-wait-a-second howabout scotch…”.

    Do you get to play with robots? I hear tape monkeys get along well with tape robots.


  2. [Quote] Do you get to play with robots? I hear tape monkeys get along well with tape robots. [Quote]

    Nah, those new-fangled tape robots would put all us tape monkeys out of work.

  3. [Quote] Pass the tape-worms please Mr Hool. 😉 [Quote]

    I could SO turn that into some sort of monkey-flinging joke, but then I might have to quarantine myself…

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