I really should know better than to think that Visual Studio .NET and Visual Studio 6.0 can coexist on the same machine.
No Really, I should know better.
updtae: as pointe out in the comments you CAN have both on your machine at once. my VS6.0 installation “failed” but I can still use it. go figure.
Edited on Sep 24th 2005, 01:36 by Hooloovoo
Errrm, they do, with no problems – I’m running both here. With Whidbey too.
Me too…in fact I’ve just been using the Authenticode tools from VS.NET to sign a VS6 component.
you’re right – I have since discovered that they can. I was getting installation errors with VS6 that I had incorrectly attributed to haveing VS.NET installed. The VS6 installer still “fails” on my machine (XP PRO SP2) even without VS.NET installed, but it still installs enough to be able to use the VB6 IDE anyway. (I just cant uninstall)