Jenny and Justin went to the Santa Rosa mall to meet Blue this afternoon. As you can see, he had a blast. I didn’t go with them because I had rehearsal. “Rehearsal for what?” you ask. I’ll write more about that soon.
Jenny and Justin went to the Santa Rosa mall to meet Blue this afternoon. As you can see, he had a blast. I didn’t go with them because I had rehearsal. “Rehearsal for what?” you ask. I’ll write more about that soon.
its funny, here i am late at night bored and decide to google myself, and i come to see there is another “justin belknap” out there in the world. i never would have thought. there are many justin’s, but belknaps are far and few between. crazy. if you dont get it, my name is justin belknap too. im 24 i live in arizona. anyways, just thought id share here. take care =)