Man, I gotta post more…

I’m about to get bumped out of the top 5: [Link]

Last few weeks have been kinda hectic – been helping people move, been trying to meet quarter-end goals at work, been trying to get the apartment cleaned before Jenny starts nesting, been trying to find Duckling’s heartbeat with this little microphone thing a friend gave us.

I don’t feel so bad about that loast one, the doctor had some trouble finding it with the medical grade doppler at our (Jenny’s) last prenatal visit. In case you were wondering, everything is still a-ok. We may even be able to find out the gender soon.

This is just about the end of week 19. Almost 1/2 way there!

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

6 thoughts on “Man, I gotta post more…”

  1. [Quote] I’m about to get bumped out of the top 5 [Quote]

    Nah, that’s okay. Don’t worry about it. You post like you have been doing, and worry about spending time with your family.
    smiles innocently.

  2. hey, i went ‘on vacation’ for 3 weeks, don’t go blaming me!!!

    and, my nipper’s doing fine too, so far. good strong heartbeat, and if i stay off my feet like the doc says, I should be able to go full term with this one.

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