I’ve pretty much been AFG-B for the last few months, and as I’ve stated in previous “I’m not dead, yet” posts, (of which this is another) I’m several months behind on gallery updates of Justin pictures. That changed this morning when I uploaded 37 images taken between Thanksgiving and Christmas of last year (the new photos start on the bottom row of page 10. This completes the set of pictures I plan to post for 2004, unless I get some good shots from friends and have permission to post them. If I do, I’ll go back and slot them into what’s already there in chronological order.
Part of what’s been causing me to procrastinate is the fact that I have several hundred images to pick through and process, so I was feeling a little overwhelemed thinking about how much I’d have to do to get everything up to date. Meanwhile, we were (and still are) taking more pictures which only serves to compound the problem. Last night I realized (or rather, decided) That I didnt’ have to do the entire update at once. I set myself a goal of finishing off November and December, and got the images chosen, rotated (as needed) and resized in a couple of hours. (There were lots of “baby’s first christmas” photos to go through.)
Long story short: I’ve started updating my gallery again, and I’ll be working through the backlog in smaller, more manageable chunks.
(Who knows, I may even start posting here more regularly…)