(Not Quite) Black and White

Kodak has a relatively new kind of film. It’s B&W, but is developed using the C41 process. (You use the same chemicals as you would for standard 35mm color film.) This has the advantage of being able to get prints made just about anywhere, even the 1hr photo at your local supermarket should you so desire.

Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve had the film sitting around for 6 months or so, or if it’s a quirk of the C41 B&W film, but the photos came back with an almost sepia tone color caste to them. This was even more apparent on the Photo CD.

I just did a bit of color correction on a few of the better shots from that roll and put them online. (I also cropped a couple, and did a bit of graffiti removal from one – thank you PhotoShop.) I know I burned though at least one, maybe two, more rolls of film that day. I’ll add to that album after I get the rest of the film developed.

You can see the new photos here: Lake Merritt

Here’s a sample:

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

8 thoughts on “(Not Quite) Black and White”

  1. Wow, nice shots. I love the one with the kitten. You don’t happen to have a 1280×960 version of it lying around somewhere? It’d make one helluva wallpaper. 🙂

    Some of those would make great contestants for the DeviantArt “Photo deviation of the day”!

  2. Thank you both. 🙂

    I’m having a hard time picking a personal favorite from that set, it’s a toss up between the first tree, (my sample image,) the close-up of the bird, and the bird and kitten “ignoring” one another.

    I think there is at least one more shot I want to add to that album from this set. I’ll do that as soon as I finish this comment.

    Gossip- what file format would you prefer? I’ll have to crop the image to fit that porportion, but my scans are higher rez, so I could easily get an appropriately sized wallpaper image to you.

  3. I’m still trying to develop that eye. 🙂 I regard a lot of these as happy accidents. Or to be more accurate, the result of me thinking: “How would that look?”

    Thank you all for the compliments, I’m encouraged to continue trying things out.

    Gossip, I’ll see if I can remember to send you that wallpaper image when I get home tonight.
    Gossip, check your Jabber acct. I left a message for you there.

    Edited on Dec 6th 2003, 09:03 by Hooloovoo

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