Not sure the best place to post this, so I’ll just blog it and hope he sees it.
I was wondering if you could add a couple of bootleg RSS feeds for me. Specifically the City of Heroes News Archive and Server Status pages. (Maybe the Recent Updates too – but I don’t think that one will get used as much.)
Perhaps also a “feed request” form/link on the bootleg RSS site / blog. (Assuming, of course, that you want to start taking requests.)
Thanks, man 🙂
Sure thing. Anytime.
And I don’t feel like taking public requests right now.
Now that you’re taking public requests, do I need to seend you €2 to get the Updates feed fixed? Clicking on any links in the feed from within my aggregator results in a 403 error.
(this is just the feed)
Fixed! Also I’ve finetuned the scraper a bit so the OVERLY CRAPPY MARKUP of that page is better parsed now (I hope).