Honey’s Gingersnaps

It’s been a long time since I posted a recipe; or really, anything, to be totally honest.

My aunt recently sent me a couple of my grandmother’s recipes, including the one for her gingersnaps. It’ one of those things that brings back strong memories of childhood and holidays, and I wanted to share it.

Continue reading Honey’s Gingersnaps

Building Rockets

Mean Green

I picked this up from the on-site shop during my son’s last Cub Scout Rocket Jamboree. It’s a pretty simple kit, but I wanted to take my time building it and documenting the process. My goal was to really pay attention to the final finish of the rocket. I’ve been reading several other build logs, and I picked up more than a couple of tricks I wanted to try out.

Click the link above to read the entire build log. (hosted on RocketReviews.com)