
I want to talk about the movie, but I don’t want to deal with spoilers for folks that haven’t seen it (or the Firefly tv series)

As I just told a friend via IM, I think they did good job of it for people that havent seen any of the show, but if you’re planning to watch Firefly, you should finish the entire series before you see the movie. It will make the funny parts funnier and a lot of the character intereactions will make more sense.

Anyway, I really enjoyed Serenity. That said, some parts of the storyline bothered me, (not going to say what – spoilers abound) but I have a question: Is it just me, or did Mr. Universe feel like a “Big Damn Plot Device”?

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

9 thoughts on “Serenity”

  1. I’ll dodge spoilers for now… but I will say this: I enjoyed the Firefly TV series more than I enjoyed the movie.

    And Mr. Universe, though annoying as something of a deus ex machina device… I am pretty sure was Joss Whedon’s method of working in a tribute to the fanbase support that kept the Serenity project going.

    My understanding is that the catchphrase Mr. Whedon tended to use when publicly describing or alluding to the fan phenomenon in his communications was “Can’t stop the signal”, and that phrase figured in the plot elements tied to Mr. Universe.

    The movie had several high points that I appreciated. That said, I am not as pleased with the product as I hoped to be. I will happily, however, go watch my Firefly DVD set over and over again.

    I’m told by several people they think Serenity may be the best sci-fi movie they saw or will see this year. I think they are probably right. Lucas has fallen far off his old pedestal, and Whedon can beat him with one hand tied behind his back these days… and apparently there’s a lot of total crap coming out of Hollywood. Serenity was better written and acted than about anything I’ve been exposed to lately, with the possible exception of the current Battlestar Galactica, which I consider on par in quality (disclaimer: i’m not on Season Two yet).

    So yes, Serenity is possibly the best SF movie this year. Damn.

  2. (aside) Istvan posted. OMG!

    IM me if you wanna talk about Serenity, Hool. I wrote up a huge thing on LJ (locked) to ensure spoilers didn’t happen.

    I really did enjoy the movie and will see it again despite the parts I didn’t like. And yes, Mr. Universe was a Big Damn Plot Device, but a fun one.


  3. [Quote] The movie had several high points that I appreciated. That said, I am not as pleased with the product as I hoped to be. I will happily, however, go watch my Firefly DVD set over and over again. [Quote]

    My sentiments exactly

  4. Joss Whedon is a great director, most of the science fiction series that i love are created by him.

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