Taking back my inbox

I’ve finally gotten fed up with the bounceback spam to my domain email account. I took steps that I should have taken a long time ago, namely setting up my mail server to only allow messages sent to specific addresses to reach my inbox.

The reason I waited so long is that I tend to use a unique address whenever I sign up for somthing online. (It’s actually helped me ID a site that resold thier mailing list – naughty naughty.) I just went through my old mail and came up with 75 different addresses that I would potentially want to receive messages to. Not as bad as I thought. So I’ve set those up on my mail server and I’m currently sending everything else (*@) to my gmail account. I’ll spend a couple of weeks monitoring that box to see if there are any addresses that I missed before I set *@ up to bounce.

Now I’ll finally know how little email I actually get. :p

G-Blog RSS Bug (?) Report

I was just messing around with Sage a bit, so I loaded the G-Blog.net :: Recent Entries RSS feed into it.

Gossip, shouldn’t the link in the channel description point to http://G-Blog.net/recent.php instead of just http://G-Blog.net, since that’s what’s being syndicated? (Yes, I realize that the RSS button onthe homepage also points to the /recent/rss10.xml file as well.)

Also – where did the glue devboard go? Did you pull it down/hide it since you are no longer actively developing it?

cognitive overhead

I’m reading an article on converting XML to MS Word, and I jusst had to stop to blog this quote

[Quote] …the end users would have high a degree of customization available with very little cognitive overhead. [Quote]

The way that was phrased, just struck me as funny. Kind of an underhanded put-down – but then, not really. Know what I mean? In any case, it made laugh.

from XML to MS Word via Mark Pilgrim’s B-Links

Edited on Jul 15th 2004, 10:11 by Hooloovoo

I have a triple-boot system

My home PC now has 3 options in it’s GRUB menu:

Windows 98
Redhat 9
Unununium 0.1

What the hell is unununium, you ask? Its a new OS being written in Python. It’s still REALLY early in development, (I’m not sure you can actually do anything useful with it) but it seems like it has some potential. (That assessment is based on info gleaned from the website.)

(link found here: http://del.icio.us/revjim/)

Edited on Jul 11th 2004, 04:19 by Hooloovoo

Request for Gossip

Not sure the best place to post this, so I’ll just blog it and hope he sees it.

I was wondering if you could add a couple of bootleg RSS feeds for me. Specifically the City of Heroes News Archive and Server Status pages. (Maybe the Recent Updates too – but I don’t think that one will get used as much.)

Perhaps also a “feed request” form/link on the bootleg RSS site / blog. (Assuming, of course, that you want to start taking requests.)

Thanks, man 🙂

Gmail Funnyness

Is Funnyness a word?

I just sent an email to my mother from my gmail account. In it I used the phrase:
“I’m beta-testing a webmail service from google.”

You know how gmail displays text ads based on the content of the mail message you’re reading? Check out these:

Sponsored Links:

Web Mail for Power Users
E-mail, Calendar, Notepad, & more Secure POP3, IMAP, and SMTP service

WebMail solution
complete webmail platform. 65 Milions users. For Operators.

Free Email Account
15 MB Space- no popups/spam shield News, calendar, stocks, weather

They just advertised competative products to their service, based (I can only assume) on my mentioning that I was testing gmail. It just struck me as amusing.

Uhm, Gossip?

Looks like Firefox 0.9 is doing funny things to g-blog.net page layouts. I’ve seen it with the default as well as the house of blues themes. The sidebar keeps getting expanded to 100% of the window width. I think the culprit might be the dropdown menus. However somethign’s different about the control panel and entry writing pages, as they appear to display fine.

I’d post screenshots, but I don’t have any decent image manipulating software on this machine. (Have you ever tried to resize an image in paint?)
