In my aimless meanderings across the net, I came across an interesting atricle about online music downloads written by the singer/songwriter Janis Ian.
She has an interesting point of view, and I thought I should share the link with everyone: THE INTERNET DEBACLE – AN ALTERNATIVE VIEW
(I’ve never heard her music, but I’m going to DL some of her MP3’s when I’m done posting this.)
Yeah, i caught that off of PA. Interesting read, what i made it through at least.
Well written article. I feel a bit better informed now – I don’t really download copyright protected music (once I think – a song I hadn’t heard in ages and couldn’t find). But the draconian lengths the record company executives are going to, trying to convince people that anyone who downloads, or allows someone else to download, free music is a horned demon preying on the efforts of the poor artists – that’s a joke.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
That’s the point, right? It pisses the “industry” and the labels off because they don’t have control over these artists like they do others. I’m sorry, but no money-grubbing corpo-scum assmunch would “own” MY voice…. nu uh… nooooo way…..
Excellent article. Pass it around. Better yet, send it to your congressperson.
@1 Hmm – I missed the reference on PA, I think I got to it thru UF