Quick weekend update.

I’m in the process of taking screenshots of websites I’ve worked on for my portfolio. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to just point to URLs and say I did “X” on “Y” site for many of them.

Now the question is, do I build my portfolio online, as a CD-ROM, as a printed piece, or as some combination of the three?

Honestly, I really don’t feel like working on it this weekend, but I need to be able to give examples of my work to prospective future employeers.

In other news, I had a quick initial interview with a company Thursday evening. I’m expecting a phone call from them Monday. I think things went well, as I was asked to keep next Thursday open for a possible follow-up interview. I’ve also sent my resume to a few other places in the area, and I’ve posted it to a couple online job sites.

A couple people have suggested that I take a few days off (a week or two) as a little vacation before I start stressing out over a job search. Good advice, and I have done that in the past – but it’s a little hard to do so when you not only did not get a severance package, but you also did not receive a final paycheck. (Whether I even get that is up to a judge now, I guess.)

In other, other news, someone’s been using my SSN to commit unemployment insurance fraud, which I found out when I filed my claim Thursday afternoon.

I guess I better get back to my screen shots. It’s kind of hard to keep typing with a cat draped across one’s fore-arms.

-Hool ( with an arm full of kitten)

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Robert Belknap has been writing online sporadically since 2001. See the colophon for more details.

6 thoughts on “Quick weekend update.”

  1. Portfolio: Check out how a friend of mine did it.

    Final paycheck – if the company went bankrupt, the employees are first in line, even ahead of the IRS (iirc). However, if I was being laid of from a company which didn’t pay me, I’d take goods and equipment at least equal to the value of my last check, if I could.

  2. You definitely need a CD-ROM version of it. You should even include all the software (preconfigured and statically-linked) needed to drive any scripts (that you still have access to) on the sites. Of course, you can’t necessarily use real data in any databases you may have, but the package would still show off your scripts actually functioning. I think that’ll impress interviewers, too; it shows that you’re not faking any skill.

  3. All 3 at once. A printed portfolio, a website with the same portfolio (as well as anything which doesn’t transfer to print like animated work), and a CD-ROM which you can navigate as if it was a website.

    I’ve had 3 CVs come through my hands which I binned because their demos were on websites which didn’t work. Now they might have just gone down for a while (one was a Geocities page which had gone over its bandwidth limit), but to me its instant black marks.

  4. Sorry to hear about the unemployment fraud crap.

    But I agree with Lupus: All 3, and Spam’s suggestion to make sure that all the scripts work. Which is a pain in the ass.

    In priority: A webpage with static things and explanation of why something might not work
    A CD-ROM to accompany any in person interview or to offer to send with a resume.
    A printed one.


  5. Here’s my plan:

    1. A collection of URLs with an explanation of my part in the project as well as a note that the sites may not be accessable for reasons beyond my control. (Intended to be sent via email, or along with my resume as a stop-gap until phase 2 is ready.)

    2. A website (probably subdomain of hooloovoo.net) with screenshots of sites and other examples of recent work. (web banners, mostly) I may need to obtain permission for a few pieces, but I don’t anticipate any problems getting that. (I may also revamp the rest of hooloovoo.net while I’m at it.)

    3. A CD-ROM version of the above site, possibly also including fully functional versions of select sites. Again, I may need to get permission before including some pieces. (Could be a pain getting a webserver/srcript interpreter set up for the non-static stuff. Maybe that will be phase 3.5)

    4. Printed Portfolio to accompany the CD-ROM.

    Phase 1 is done already, I wonder how much of the rest I can get done before Thursday.

    Edited for clarity.

    Edited on Jun 3rd 2003, 20:44 by Hooloovoo

  6. [Quote] A website (probably subdomain of hooloovoo.net) with screenshots of sites and other examples of recent work. (web banners, mostly) I may need to obtain permission for a few pieces, but I don’t anticipate any problems getting that. (I may also revamp the rest of hooloovoo.net while I’m at it.) [Quote]

    In future, put in your contracts that you have the right to show some portion of the website in your portfolio. There’s some pretty standard language for this out there for that sort of thing.

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