Looking for the street address for a company that doesn’t exist anymore? (One you worked at as a contractor for six months almost 7 years ago?)
Try using the WayBack Machine: http://www.archive.org to search for the company’s contact info on an archived version of their site.
Too bad I wasn’t able to recover an old version of my resume I had posted online the same way.
Out of curiousity, who?
Old PJG.net
nice 🙂
@1: Software Buyline. But I also ended up looking for Universal Online, and 3DO. (I needed to figure out what the phone number was at 3DO when I first started, as it had changed when we moved to the newer location.)
I also discovered that the last version of the site (and the messageboards) which I thought had been taken down are still available by ip address.
@2: PJG, I still miss that place sometimes. Not that I log into Jumpgate that often anymore…