without any sort of updates here. Longer if you don’t count the dumb date stuff.
I’ve been online, really I have – just not blogging.
without any sort of updates here. Longer if you don’t count the dumb date stuff.
I’ve been online, really I have – just not blogging.
I think this is where I say something [awesome | cheesey] like:
“No power in the ‘verse can stop us.”
Well I guess it’s time I posted something again. I’ve been busy with things and haven’t really felt the urge to post here. Maybe I should see about incorporating my Twitter stream into this page. Or scrapping the whole thing and using my tumble log instead.
Or not. This post is just an excuse to try out the wordpress app on my new iPad.
What happens if I …
moar funny pictures
I’m just playing around with a new flickr/wordpress plug-in. I found this photo in the process and I felt like sharing it.
I use this site’s URL (http://blog.hooloovoo.net) as my OpenID. One of the cool things about OpenID is that I don’t have to run my own OpenID server to use my own URL, I can delegate a server to do the “heavy lifting” for me. I actually have several identity providers available to me, Vox, MyOpenID, and even AOL, (not that I use my aim screen name much anymore.) I’ve pretty much been using MyOpenID as my delegate. That changed this morning. I have nothing against MyOpenID at all. I think they are a great provider. So why the change? I’m using VeriSign Labs new OpenID service because I can use my PayPal/eBay security key (otherwise known as a VIP Credential) as part of the authentication.
Multi-Factor authentication for the win!
Well, it looks like (my part of) the DNS issues DreamHost is having have been (partially) resolved.
I wonder if it had anything to do with me going into the web panel and adding a new sub-domain. Probably not.
In other news it looks like their off-network status page is still being DDOSed