Father’s day stuff

Jenny and I went to Redding for father’s day.

Short list of the things we did:

  • Stayed up for 35 hours
  • Went swimming.
  • Taught my aunt how to manage the files from her digital camera and burn them to cds (that can be played in their new dvd player)
  • Introduced my 8 yr old cousin to Spaced Penguin!
  • Got Duckling to kick for his Aunt (who lives in chicago)
  • Shared stories about my father with aunts, uncles, cousins, mom and stepdad, sister, and grandfather
  • Scattered (most of) my father’s ashes along (and into) the Sacramento River
  • Announced Duckling’s name our family.
  • Watched a CDF tanker helicopter scoop water from the river and dump it on a fire burning very close to my grandfather’s home (which was directly in the fire’s path)
  • Had car trouble and got lost on the way back from the shop. (Before heading out of town)

I think it was a good trip, overall. Happy moments, and sad ones too. I think it’s time for “go to bed”

You Know You’ve been playing too much City of Heroes when…

You Know You’ve been playing too much City of Heroes when you have the following conversation with your wife in the middle of the night:

Hooloovoo: (shaking Wife awake) Go turn off the shower.

Wife: (groggy) Huh? The shower’s not on.

H: No, the shower outside.

W: (confused) What?

H: We have to turn the shower off so they’ll give us a new mission.

W: (realizing H is actually sound asleep) What kind of mission?

H: I don’t know, but it’s important that we turn the shower off first.

W: Okay. (rolls over and tries to go back to sleep.)

I have no recollection of the previous alleged conversation. Jenny told me about it this morning. I have been known to sleep-talk, but this is much more lucid and cohearant than my normal mumbling. Maybe I should skip CoH tonight and work on my website or something instead.

Hogwarts Cosplay

Jenny’s sister wanted to get a group of people together to go see the new Harry Potter movie. She also wanted to get as many of those people to dress up as Hogwarts students (or at the very least have House Scarves.) Her basic idea is that we are all students on a “Field Trip to see what Muggles think of the Wizarding world.” She’s even got an older friend of hers to be our Chaperone.

Jenny and I have gone all out. Partially because we used to be on a Rocky Horror cast, (If you’re going to mimic the costumes from a movie, you gotta do it “right”.) and partially because we have an idea for October. Duckling’s going to be an owl for his first Halloween – it will be cute.

So here’s a quick list:

Wands – check
Scarves – check (just need to add tassles tonight)
Dress Shirts – check
House Ties – check
Pants/Skirt – check
socks/shoes/etc. – check
Sweaters – check
Robes – check (cheapo graduation robes for now – might upgrade for October)
House Patches – check (might upgrade with the robes)

I was a little worried my sweater might not get here in time, I procrastinated and then had trouble finding one in my size in the (movie) Ravenclaw colors. And the robes came late – Jenny’s friend in the shipping department where she works came through. Found the box in a part of the warehouse they weren’t planning to get to until Monday.

Tomorrow night should be fun. I’ll be sure to take some pictures to post. 🙂

Edit: I really should proof-read when I do that whole “preview” thing

Edited on Jun 6th 2004, 10:11 by Hooloovoo

Letter from my grandfather

Below is a statement my Grandfather prepared for the Judge in my Father’s murder case. It was read by my Aunt at the sentencing hearing last Friday.


February 3, 2004

To: Judge Wood, Alaska State Criminal Court

Re: State of Alaska v. Beiderbeck

From: Daniel Allen Belknap

I am the father of Michael King Belknap, stabbed to death on July 14 by Jonathan
Beiderbeck. This crime against my son, his family, his friends, and the Fairbanks
community requires a very long sentence in state prison.

My lifetime profession has been in the field of crime and corrections. I have seen a few
men use a very long prison sentence to study, learn, pray and get their own head
straightened out, and learn to live a constructive life.

Young Beiderbeck has two choices. He can degrade himself still further while he is
confined, and become a sour, bitter, unhappy man, and get caught up in the hostility and
violence that exists in many prisons. Or, he can seek wisdom and maturity that will help
him deal with his guilt, and eventually give him some kind of inner peace. This will take
a long time.

If he chooses the second choice, after many years, I and most of my family would not
oppose an eventual release from confinement.

May God Bless Jon Beiderbeck in such a redemption.

Edited on May 31st 2004, 13:12 by Hooloovoo

Some closure, I guess.

Jonathan Beiderbeck was sentenced today. My Aunt just called me to let me know how it went.

He was given the maximum sentance available, 50 years. 10 years are suspended. This means Beiderbeck
will serve 40 years in prison and be on parole for 10 years. Alaska state law allows time off for good behavior, up to 1/3 of the sentence. 2/3 of 40 years is 26.8. This is the minimum time he will serve before parole, if he earns every possible day for good behavior.

I’m not entirely certain how I feel about it, my aunt noted that he could be incarcarated until he’s 61. The first thought I had when she made that observation was of James Whitmore’s character, Brooks, in The Shawshank Redemption. (excellent movie BTW)

Spoilers if you haven’t seen the movie – I’m going to be talking a bit about the plot.
[Spoilers] Okay so I lied, I haven’t collected all my thoughts about this yet – I’ll update the post later after I’ve had some more time to think. I need to get back in the lab. Sorry for the tease. [/Spoilers]

I’m going to keep an eye on the news-miner website to see if a story gets posted. If it does, I’ll archive it in a post (like I did last year.)

Edited to correct some of the sentencing details.

Edited on May 31st 2004, 13:08 by Hooloovoo

There’s a baby in there!

Jenny’s been feeling Duckling moving around a lot more lately. (I’ve even been able to feel him move a couple of times – if I’m patient enough)

This morning I was sitting across the room from my wife, when Duckling kicked a few times. Not only could Jenny feel it, but today was the first time we could actually see it, too! It was neat to watch, and especially reassuring considering how we spent Saturday night.

Small Scare

Saturday night, Jenny and I did not have a nice peaceful dinner at home like we planned. Instead, we discovered just how long it takes to drive from home to the hospital we’re planning to deliver in. (About 25 minutes door-to-door in medium-light traffic.) We also got a “dry-run” of the check-in procedure and a look at the birthing center. All very good things. I just wish we hadn’t have needed to do all that this weekend.

The sudden change in plans was brought on by some abnormal bleeding. When Jenny called the after-hours number for her OB-GYN, they wanted her to come down immediately for an evaluation. We were worried, (obviously) but the hospital staff was wonderful, everything worked out, and mom and baby are both okay.

I feel really good about the place – and the doctor – we’ve picked out.


Today would have been my father’s 54th birthday. It also would have been one of the few times this year I would think to call him. This year I can’t, and I won’t be able to ever again.

Don’t get me wrong, I do still talk to him from time to time, but it just isn’t the same as being able to actually hear his voice in response.

Edited on Apr 25th 2004, 16:14 by Hooloovoo

It’s a Boy!

Jenny had her 20wk lvl 2 sonogram last Monday. Duckling is healthy, developing normally, and quite plainly male. (That last bit took the technician a while to determine, as duckling was not being overly cooperative.)

We have a 5 minute VHS video capture of part of the sonogram. We’ve subjected my parents too it already, Jenny’s parents are coming down Sunday to see it, and a few friends have expressed an interest in seeing it as well.

I may be digitizing and posting a clip online. Need to find a friend with a decent capture card.

The name game phase 2 has begun. Anyone have suggestions for boys names?