XKCD is a great web comic. I’ve been sent links to individual comics by friends in the past, and I started reading it regularly a couple of months ago. My only regret is that I didn’t start following it sooner. Hooray for archives!
Category: Comics
PVPOnline: Good CoH Stuff
I don’t read PVP regularly, but I was digging around a bit in the Penny Arcade archive when I came across this link in one of Tycho’s Rants.
I backtracked through the PVP archives a bit and found the beginning (I think) of Scott’s recent stint of comics related to CoH. Pretty funny stuff, and all very true. I’ve had many of the same experiences myself. If you’ve spent any amount of time playing the game, I’m sure you have, too.
Tapestry – Your Favourite Comics by RSS
Found this via a link off a link off of Mark Pilgrim’s b-links (the rss version anyway) Since I closed the referring tab before I got to the page, I don’t remeber exactly where it came from. It was part of the discussion about silent data loss, IIRC.
[Quote] Tapestry is a series of RSS feeds for online comics. They help you keep up to date from within your favourite news aggregator, especially if you happen to miss a few days. [Quote]
2 of the 4 main comics I try to keep up with are supported, with the other 2 coming soon. There’s also quite a few others I’m planning to add to my list.
User Friendly
I just read the User Friendly strip from Sunday. It’s true, so very true.
I love it! 🙂
Penny Arcade has an XML feed
[Quote] News: I Neglected To Mention: Tycho: The news feed, in the code, refers to itself as the “News Fucker 3000.” I can appreciate that. (CW)TB… [Quote]
I just added it to BlogWatch others might want to as well: http://www.penny-arcade.com/RSS.xml
Today’s Sluggy
Sluggy Freelance is nifty. Worship the comic: [Link]
Today’s strip made me laugh – and its probably still funny even if you aren’t following the full story arc.
Where’s the base?
Man, Tycho’s rant today had me busting up.