More pictures are up

Ok, before I forget:

I also have a story to tell about using the internet to track down long-lost friends and family, but that’s for another day. One when I am more cohearant.

BTW, If your last name is Dunn, and you received an email from me Thursday night in which I mentioned this blog, HIYA! Hope to hear from you soon!

Edited on Oct 1st 2004, 11:23 by Hooloovoo

LOOK OUT! Brand new Dad With a Camera!

Name: Justin Douglas Belknap
Born: 3:32 am August 29, 2004
Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz
Length: 20″

I don’t have much time to post. Mom and baby are still at the hospital, and I’ll be heading back down there after I get a few things taken care of at the house. We’re staying one more night, and bringing Justin home tomorrow.

I’ll try to write a longer entry in a few days. But as promised, here are some pictures:

More to come as I sort through the rest of the shots on the digital camera, and get the shots from the film camera developed and scanned in (or put on cd by the photo place, more likely)

You can see the rest of the album here

Edited on Oct 2nd 2004, 21:32 by Hooloovoo

Small Gallery Update

I got the following message from DreamHost yesterday:

[Quote] If you use Gallery on your website, you must upgrade it immediately to protect your website from being cracked into. The new version of Gallery was released on June 1, 2004 and all previous versions are insecure.

Download / Upgrade Instructions links omitted. -Hool

It only takes a few minutes and it is required for all users with an installation of Gallery. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team.

Happy DreamHost Security Team [Quote]

Doing a bit of research on the gallery site, I found that there are some other feature changes between my version of gallery and the newest version. I don’t really feel like upgrading right now, (but I will probably do so this weekend.) Digging a bit deeper into the site, I found that the security hole can be fixed by chaning one line of code. I just finished making said change in both galleries I’m currently hosting.

Random Pixels

A camera, alone in the world. Each Randompixel camera was given to a stranger. Stickers on the camera instruct the recipient to take a few pictures and pass it along. When the camera is done, it is dropped in the mail, it returns home, and the pictures are posted here.

Random Pixel recently posted pictures from a camera, “Ammy”, which started off at a Gaskell’s Ball in 2000. Some of you may see some familiar faces

Jones Soda

I love this stuff. When I was a kid, I remember walking to the corner store with my mom and sister to get a bottle of soda (pop, carbonated sugar water, whatever you call it in your region) as a treat. I always got the same flavor: Blue Bubblegum.

I couldn’t tell you the brand of soda that it was, thats not improtant. This was something that I had entirely forgotten about until a couple of years ago, when I discovered Jones Soda. I saw bottles of thier blue bubblegum on the shelf of a Vietnamese market in San Jose. The memory came rushing back, and I just HAD to buy some. I still treat myself to one from time to time, and I’ve even branched out into some of thier other flavors – but the blue bubblegum is still my favorite. Not for the flavor, (or even the color, whatever my wife may say,) but for the memory it evokes.

One of the cooler things about Jones, (besides the blue bubblegum,) is thier labels. They’re always changing. Jones accepts photo submissions for use on thier labels. I always thought it would be cool to submit a few photos, so tonight I finally did.

Now, for the shamless plug: Please vote for my photo submissions. A good rating will help increase the chances it gets picked for a label. 🙂

Update: I just added a few more photos. Here are all the links:
Photo 206796
Photo 206815
Photo 206816
Photo 206817

Edited on Mar 28th 2004, 10:07 by Hooloovoo

Gallery Updated

I spent some time this evening (well, this morning – if you want to get all technical about it) updating my online photo gallery. There is a new “Botanical Garden” album, as well as a few new photos in the “Tea Garden” album.

I’ve still got a bunch of film to develop, so I’ll be updating again before too long.

Linky Linky

BTW, I’m willing to convert just about anything you see in the albums into wallpaper, provided I have a high enough reslolution version of the image. Feel free to let me know image, size, and preferred file format and I’ll try to put something together for you.

edit: typoes
needs a new eyboard.

Edited on Dec 8th 2003, 20:47 by Hooloovoo