
I decided to log into gmail and see if I could reproduce this problem. (Sorry Fox, working fine for me…)

I just noticed that I have 50 invites to give away – (well actually 200, since I have 4 gmail addresses)

I get the reasoning behind the invites, (a way to ramp up the user-base for testing in a slow, meterable way to avoid flooding the system while still in development – oh yeah and a great way to generate word-of-mouth marketing/hype…) but what am I going to do with 200 invites? At this point, all my friends and family that want a gmail account has one.When is Gmail going to exit beta, or even just open up registration to anyone that wants an account?

I’m just wondering…

New system

after a couple of bumps (easily solved by replacing new IDE cable for the cd-r and dvd drives with one that works.) My new system is up and running. Now begins the long process of downloading and installing apps and patches, adn tweaking settings.

Firefox was first (after norton antivirus.) NWN and CoH are next up. (MMM 8 months of patches for an mmo over 56k…) I think I’ll be checking out open office as well as some other non-microsoft “productivity” apps.


I must be losing my touch

It’s been a very long time (too long) since I last built a computer from scratch, and even then I did not have to research or purchase the components. My boss just said: “here are the parts for your workstation. Put it together.”

So I want to build a new machine and I’m not even sure where to start looking. Does anyone have any suggestions for finding good prices on components for a decent gaming system? At the minimum I’ll be needing a new motherboard, processor, RAM, and case (along with the requisite cables/connectors/cooling/power….) I can cannibalize my current system for other needed pieces (video, cdrom, hd, etc) for the time being, seeing as how I’m on a tight budget. (I’ve got about $300 to get me started.)

Edited on Dec 7th 2004, 01:56 by Hooloovoo

Magpie RSS Parser

I had a very basic RSS parser ripped from a tutorial somewhere powering the syndication of my g-blog posts on my own website:

I was never really happy with the code I had found, specifically the way it formatted the date. (I couldnt figure out how to get enything but the raw UTC timestamp from the DC:Date element of the feed items.)

Anyway, to make a long story short, I just rewrote my blog page using Magpie RSS as the feed parser. I’m much happier with the result, (and the php code that produced the result.)

Plus, if Gossip ever decides he’s bored and wants to start creating Atom feeds for G-blog, I can switch my input file with little or no effort. 🙂

(edit: preview damnit, preview!)

Edited on Nov 6th 2004, 11:18 by Hooloovoo


I can’t beleive I just did that….

I was trying to fix messed up record in our in-house MySQL database. I ran an update command and forgot use a where clause to specify the id of the record I was trying to fix. MySQL very happily went along and made the change to every rocord in the database.

Long story short, I fixed the record – and messed up 16389 others.


I’m waiting for a call back from the resident DB guru to see if he can help me fix this.

Man, this is bad. random quoteness


!8ball… what’s wrong with my e-mail?
SmilinBob: Ask again later.
!8ball what’s wrong with my e-mail?
SmilinBob: Outlook not so good.

The quote just struck me as funny. On a side note – Windows XP StickyKeys sucks I accidentally turned it on and now I cant get it to tunn off

This mesasge was typed with the capsloc ON except when I needed a capital letter

i must reboot now