Aug 12th 2002, 16:10 GMT

Busy Weekend.

Took friday off due to illness – spent most of the day asleep.

Saturday morning was spent running errands – getting hair cut-n-colored for the wedding, picking up dry cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.

Saturday afternoon I drove up to Oakland for a dance lesson. Gaskell’s Ball was Saturday night, and I wanted a refresher on a couple of things. After the class, I went and had dinner, then went back and got ready for teh dance.

Jenny had to work Saturday, so she wasn’t able to attend the lesson, but was there for the ball. We danced, chatted with friends, and had a wonderful time. I resolved to buy some better shoes for the wedding. My feet were killing me by the end of the third set, so we left early.

On the way home we “went on an adventure – just like the Goonies” – I made a wrong turn, and we nded up finding a new way through Oakland tothe freeway.

Sunday we went up to Petaluma to work on more wedding stuff. Compared guest lists with Jenny’s mom, started calling folks who hadn’t replied yet, went to the tux shop to give them the measurements for the ring bearer. Found out who else hadn’t been measured yet. (My father was the only one – he also hadn’t sent his reply card back.) We got mixed up on the time we were supposed to meet with the minister to outline the ceremony. (I’m still trying to figure out how I got 4:00 from 1:30.) We rescheduled for 5:00. I’m glad we were able to still meet with him yesterday. Next weekend wouldn’t have worked.

We made a trip up to Cotati to visit a couple of friends before coming home. Thier 8-month-old son was born with some severe health problems, and they’ve been having a bit of a rough time. Things have improved a bit in the last couple of months, but Eli may still need a liver transplant within the next couple of years.

Eli is at an interesting stage of development. He recognizes faces and expressions, and will smile back at you. I spent some time entertaining him (and myself – and Jenny and Alexis from the other room) while the girls chatted in the kitchen, and Eric was preparing for the baby’s bedtime routine of tests and meds and such.

Eli is such a good, happy baby, (considering some of his heath problems,) and it’s tough hearing about and seeing some of what Eric and Alexis are going through.

Edited on Aug 13th 2002, 17:10 by Hooloovoo

Aug 7th 2002, 17:50 GMT

Hello. My name is Hooloovoo, and I watch MTV’s “The Real World”

It’s been years since I stopped watching that show, but recently MTV aired an all “Real World” weekend. I watched a couple of seasons worth of episodes. I’m not sure why I find this show appealing. I guess it’s like watching a train wreck. At least that’s what I tell myself. If that’s true, why do I feel sorry for Irene? Why was I genuinely pissed at Steve, but glad he went through anger management. Why am I referring to these people/characters as if I know them?

Last night, I watched “The Real World Movie” a made-for-mtv thing featuring “the lost season” that was never aired. (It was fake.) Totally cheesy, very “Blair Witch”-esque, almost as if MTV was trying to make fun of itself, but not quite pulling it off.

Worse yet, I recorded the thing. I might end up watching it again someday. Help me.

I wish I could find something besides crap like “The Real World” on TV. There are a couple of shows I like, and will make an effort to catch. I’m sure there are others out there – but most of the stuff on US television these days is crap.

Aug 6th 2002, 22:41 GMT

It’s basically done.

Except for a couple of funky IE rendering quirks that I’m looking at, hlvdn_blues is pretty much ready to go.

So, ah what should I call it?

House of Blues
Something Else?

I am planning to create some variations, and I’d like to keep a consistent naming scheme. Any suggestions?

Before I forget – here’s the screenshot:
Edit: I pulled the screenshots down, since the theme is now part of GLUE 1.0 RC1

Edited on Aug 16th 2002, 20:57 by Hooloovoo

Aug 2nd 2002, 17:44 GMT

Well, crap.

A project launch that was scheudled for next week just got pushed back a month, right into the middle of my honeymoon.

All of the design work should be done next week. (In fact it basically is done, I’m just waiting on final content to plug into the pages.) I’m just not going to be here to push the new pages to the live server when they want.

It shouldn’t be too much of a problem. The project manager understands the situation – we just have to figure out who’s going to be able to handle the roll-out while I’m gone.

Aug 2nd 2002, 06:56 GMT

It’s getting closer.

So, here is the latest installment of the GLUE theme I’m working on. The next piece I need to deal with is the side-bar. I’m going to break it up into several boxes, (as it is on my site) and I need to play with the section headers a bit. Other than that, it looks like I just have a bunch of little tweaks to make.

Edit: I pulled the screenshots down, since the theme is now part of GLUE 1.0 RC1

Also of note: I’ve given up on making IE behave with well with a table-less layout for now. I figure a certain amount of arrogance when it comes to how I think the web “should” be built is fine on my site, but these themes really need to look “right” on as many browsers as possible.

I have tried to keep the use of tables for layout to a minimum – but at least IE isn’t mangling the layout too much anymore.

Edit: it’s still a silly acronym… :p

Edited on Aug 2nd 2002, 18:00 by Hooloovoo

Edited on Aug 16th 2002, 22:26 by Hooloovoo

Aug 1st 2002, 01:30 GMT

Okay, so I like have this GLUE theme, right? And it’s like, totally based on my website and stuff.

Well, see – I’m like trying to do the layout without resorting to tables – cuz I totally did it that way on my site, but – like, I might have to, you know, NOT do it that way, since we need these things to look good in IE and stuff. Unless I can, like, totally find a killer way to make it work, I’ll like, end up putting the left and right columns into a table so we don’t end up with those totaly bogus margin problems in IE. You know, I can be like totaly – “what-ever dude” about it on my own site, but not here and stuff.

So anyway – here’s the first rough GLUE theme based on, but I still have a lot of work to do on it. The screen shot was taken with Mozilla.

Edit: I pulled the screenshots down, since the theme is now part of GLUE 1.0 RC1

(You don’t even want to see how IE mangles it.)

Edited on Aug 16th 2002, 22:27 by Hooloovoo